Tuesday 21 December 2010

The Snow

There has not been any more snow here since yesterday, which is fab as it means at some point I will get out of the village!

Have been watching the news to keep up with the weather BUT it is starting to irritate me. It is SNOW, it is not anyones fault. Yes, the airports have been closed and I am sure it is very annoying if you wanted to fly out for a nice expensive Christmas Holiday BUT there is no-one to blame. They are going to spend money on an inquest...why? What a total waste of money, if it isn't safe to fly and if the conditions are such that clearing the runways is impossible then surely it is safer not to fly!? If a plane crashed and people died then everyone would be demanding an inquest into that...let us get our priorities right,safety needs to be the priority. Yes, planes fly out of Helsinki Airport all the time but they are used to heavy snow...we don't. This weather is unprecedented in this country, people are dealing with it as best they can. There are greater things for us as a country to worry about at this time...people stuck in villages, who cannot get out and do not have food. The elderly who are struggling to get out and to stay warm. We should be helping them and not "attacking" the agencies who are doing there best. We need to protect the vulnerable. Rant over, but I may return to it later.

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