Wednesday 22 December 2010

Star Wars

So, over the past few weeks (well days actually) I have shown my son the Star Wars films...all six of them. I did it in numerical order...probably not the best with hindsight as Episode VI would have been the better starting point. A few things have come to mind today as I watched Episode VI and I feel I would like to get them off my chest.

Firstly in the scene where Luke tells Leah that she is his sister he asks her if she remembers their mother, implying her birth mother, well, isn't there an obvious problem with this...especially as she says she can remember bits....their mother died after childbirth, they were separated at birth because she died (and they needed to be kept secret from the Empire)....but the point here is that Leah could not remember her mother cos she was dead. Did no one notice this when they made Episode III where she dies!? Had they not seen Episode VI or remembered that lovely moment?

Secondly at the end when Vader has died and Luke has burnt the body during the party...oh, yeah the party what have they done to the music and what are those ridiculous extra bits they have cut in!? Just because they have the technology to do that doesn't mean they should....what do those extra bits add to the story? NOTHING! Anyway back to my point, when Luke looks over and sees Obi Wan and Yoda and then his father appears next to them...well, it isn't his father, not the original father from the original Star Wars they have photoshop'd Anakin from Episode III in,it is just rude...bring back the original original! I know it kinda makes more sense but NO it goes against the original film and it just feels wrong.

Thirdly in thinking about it they seem to have added in a lot of extra bits in random places during all three original films....WHY? What was wrong with the original originals? Nothing, that is what.

Whilst I really enjoy Episodes I to III nothing will ever compare to Episodes IV to VI....they were the films of my childhood, nothing will make me sit on the edge of my seat (the end of A New Hope when Luke is going to blow up the Death Star) or cry (the end of Return of the Jedi when Luke takes of Vader's helmet so his father can see him through his own eyes) like the originals :)

The question that springs to mind is can you still get the original originals on dvd? not these "digitally enhanced" (aka we've added in a few random bits cos we can) films?

Rant over!

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